How to find true satisfaction and happiness in your current job

Peter Schultz
4 min readFeb 13, 2021

Do you believe you FIRST have to change your job to be happy?

Many people think their happiness is linked to what they have or what they do. They think they first need to find a better job or receive a promotion or a pay raise before they can become happy.

This also applies to every part in life.

If you link your happiness to an external situation or outcome you will be dependent on that situation or outcome.
You won’t have control over your emotional state.

You can’t control whether you are promoted or not. Although you can control whether you apply for a different job or not, you can’t control that you will also get that job. And besides, who knows if that different job really is better? What if not?

You see, there are many things in life you can’t control. Then why do you link your happiness to something you don’t have control over?

This will leave you helpless and frustrated.

So, wouldn’t it be nice to be fully content with your life’s situation, independent of the job you’re in?

Wouldn’t it be great to lead an abundant life even though you are in a boring 9–5 job?

It is possible! Because happiness is a state of mind you choose to be in. No matter the circumstances.

But how do you get there? How do you become content without changing your job?

Change the way you show up in life and at work:

  1. Don’t focus on the negative. Focus on the positive. What about your work is positive? No matter how small it may appear, keep that in mind. And even if it is only the paycheck at the end of the month. Does it pay your bills and the food you eat? Be grateful for that. Be deeply grateful.
    If you feel grateful, you can’t feel anger. Try it. Feeling both at the same time doesn’t work. If you want to reduce your negative emotions you need to feel positive emotions, like gratitude!
  2. Live in the present moment. Don’t lose yourself in the future or in the past. Stop worrying about all the things that might or might not lie ahead of you. You can’t control it anyways, remember? And don’t feel remorseful about your past. You can’t change it anymore. It is what it is. Accept it.
    This leaves you to your present. This is where your life happens. This is what you CAN CONTROL! This is where you mould your future. So this is what you need to focus on. Do your best NOW and the future will unfold for you.
    If you want to be happy lay the foundation NOW by working on your subconscious thought patterns, instead of waiting for an external event in the future.
  3. As soon as you find yourself thinking something negative or feeling negative, counteract by consciously thinking of something positive or feeling positive (i.e. gratitude).

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a life’s vision and a job you aren’t passionate about. I’m saying that even though you don’t have that awesome job you are dreaming about you can still feel fulfilled and happy.

And while you are working on your dream job and your life’s vision, you already can be happy and content.

So many people are outcome driven and focus on the external, that they forget what life really is about. Life isn’t about external rewards or about having something. Life is about your internal state and who you are. You can’t control the outcome. BUT you control how you feel and who you are.

You should strive for your life’s vision and have goals you want to achieve, but linking your emotional state to an external outcome won’t make you happy, at least in the long run.

Changing your job to find happiness isn’t a sure thing. But if you change your emotional state, it doesn’t matter what kind of job you are in. You will always be fulfilled.

If you pursue happiness you will be chasing it over and over again. If you create happiness, it will be there.



Peter Schultz

I help people find deep fulfillment in their life, no matter the job or situation in life. Abundance depends on the state of mind, not the circumstances.